Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Free Money?!

The greatest battle I've been fighting of late -with myself and others- is the cost of free money. Nothing is free. It all comes with a price. I'm trying to start school in January and though I "qualify" fo pell grants, I am choosing not to accept any. This is not to show anyone off, or turn my nose up and anyone who does. but I can not participate. It is a corrupt, unwarranted, and flawed system. Let me try to elaborate on my feelings.

Money is not free! And pell money is not coming from the treasury. The coffers of this great nation are empty. We are billions of dollars in debt to other countries. And you can bet China isn't paying for my schooling. So who is? Why it's you silly gooses!

The government taces your income, your purchases, your property and more, under threat of legal action and coercion. That money is not stored away to be dolled out to you at a later time. It's given to another individual who has also been taxed and we call this the 'welfare system.' Seems to me, they should let me keep my money, and you can keep yours, and we will all come out square.

If service, help and aid is not given voluntarily, it is NOT charity. If it is mandated and enforced by threat, then it is a reallocation of theft.

Imagine I witness you getting mugged on the street, and the their brings me your wallet and diamond ring saying, "here, they still have their car, but you need these more than they do." If I accept, the I am also a guilty accessory in the crime.

What if he had robbed me the day before? Does this then qualify as justice? Does it make his actions ok? What if he is wearing a police uniform? What if it is your governor? What if it is Barack Obama? Does any suit or title justify it? No, it is still a criminal action. Then what makes it all right to delegate theft to a broup of faceless individuals in an office and call it welfare?

To me it's not all right, and you can sugar coat it to Candyland and back but it is still bitter underneath.

"But they are stealing from you too Abby." Sure they are. (jerks!) "Well, you've been wronged, you deserve a piece of the pie." The way I see it, I don't deserve the result of unrighteous domination, no matter how you call it. That's a yucky pie!! The justifications are all there to accept it. The thing is, those are just that, justifications. If it is the right thing to do, then you wouldn't have to justify it.

I know everyone is doing it. I know, goodness do I know, that it'd be easier to just take the money and start school. And I know they will still be taking my money. However, I see where it is wrong and unrighteous. And I know God knows that I know it.

Having that knowledge, the price of taking free money, is something I can't afford!


  1. Wha hooo!! Loved it. "yucky pie" ha ha. way to go!

  2. Way to go! Well said! They are definitely majorly flawed systems, just like you said, and with even more reasons. (Including that something crazy like 80% of the taxes directed towards welfare programs go to overhead. Ridiculous!) We've realized we currently qualify for a governmental program or two. . . It would be nice to have the free groceries, but really we can survive fine without it, and it would just be more money we could spend on wants, and allow us to be less careful about our spending. Meanwhile, it would be taking money away from others who have worked hard to earn it. I can't say I wouldn't accept it if I really needed it, but it is definitely a very flawed system. What's saddest is when you see one generation leading the next generation "to the fish nets, instead of teaching them how to fish." The false sense of entitlement and the lack of taking responsibility leads to a very sad state.
