This afternoon I talked Nanna into cuddling with me for a little bit. She curled up in my lap like a baby and we rocked in Dad's chair and started one of our favorite activities.... Reminiscing.
Nanna's earliest memory and she'll probably regret this is public, is having her diaper changed. I told her that was strange because she was the earliest to potty train so she must have a great memory. She says the wipes were always cold.
My earliest memory was at our old old house in Provo. I remember very vaguely, geez I must've been 3, Peter taught me how to tie my shoes. "Make to bunny ears, chase one around the tree and through the hole, pull it tight so it can't get out." I also remember Peter and I shared a room then and we were pulling the paint chips off the wall and I remember getting in trouble with him for that. The only other specific memory I have from being 3 in that old house, was getting a lego piece stuck, I don't know if it was my ear or my nose, but I remember the drama involved in the removal. -See mom, it was great not to have barbies, I wouldn't change that for anything, but Lego's do have their drawbacks.
It seems that being the 3rd and 4th, Nanna and I have the most memories together. I know Holly and Peter were close. The thing is, the dynamic of our relationship was strange. I could do almost anything with Savannah and normally we had a great time. But invariably if I got bored and came up with a mischievous idea she'd only go along until it was found out. Don't worry I was pretty good at taking her down with me. Somehow though, Holly and Peter never felt sorry for me. And if Nanna wanted, she could always get them on her side, and I was the bad guy. That was never fun. Maybe that is why I tried so hard to take her down with me when I got caught.
Nanna and I shared a room the most out of our childhoods. One time we were on bunk beds in the purple carpet room, and we saw a mouse. Savannah was scared. I probably was too, but of course I had to protect her. We sat on the top bunk and I came up with a song we sang to the mice to leave us alone. We both still remember the words and the tune. And maybe we'll sing it to our kids some day.
Don't scare us off, into outer space
Cause then we'll have, to find another place.
Cause then we can't live in this house,
and you'll have to find another mouse,
who will share, his very ha- ai- airs.
I wonder if it will be a girl or boy.
Who will share their very toys.
Don't scare us off into outer space.
So so silly.
We did lot's of things in our bedroom, from sneaking food, to sneaking books. 2 of the walls in that room were covered in floor to ceiling cupboards. The ones in the corner where the walls meet, connected to the each other on each level. We would climb to the top one and eat food we'd snuck in.
We didn't just climb up to cupboards. In the laundry room we had a pantry, and under the shelving their was a large pull out hamper that mom and dad put their clothing in. Kind of gross now, but we loved pulling it out, and standing in it to play store with the pantry cabinet.
Savannah and I loved blanket tents. Mom encouraged us to play with each other and use our imagination. We did. Dad didn't like the mess, so we were always glad when he was out of town and we could sleep in our tents. Our if we were in a sneaky mood, we'd tuck blankets under the mattress on the top bunk and close off the bottom bunk. We'd tent in there.
Nanna says she remembers the first time she cleared her plate. And once when G-ma and G-pa were outside looking over the garden, she had to go potty really bad, but she wouldn't tell anyone. She finally ran inside she got all the way to the toilet but couldn't hold it anymore. She wet herself next to the toilet.
We didn't just like climbing cupboards. Whenever we could get away with it, we'd climb on the roof. We were so cool. The kids next door at Brook side elementary would be having recess. We'd climb on the chain link fence against the back room on the house, heave ourselves up, and then climb across the roof. Our favorite spot was at the very peak of the front. It was high and we could watch people in the reams parking lot. Or on the west side of the house over the carport, we always felt so sneaky cause the Maple tree over hung the roof and we'd set up camp or club under there.
When we were older I remember crossing the street to Reams and buying a box of the red-white-blue-Rocket Popsicles and hoping Nanna wouldn't find me, I climbed up on the roof and ate ALL 6 of them by myself. :)
Nanna and I were also very entrepreneurial. We had several lemonade stands/candy stands out by our busy street. Now I bless the hearts of everyone who was nice enough to stop and indulge us. We lived across from Reams for crying out loud. I don't know how we thought we'd get any business. But stop they did, and I bless the hearts of those who did. Our biggest and not brightest idea was to sell the mud creations we made. I only remember making one sale. But we sure had fun pretending to make clay pots and cookware and eating utensils out in the sand box. And then setting up a stand by the street.
We love each other very much. Sometimes we just need a moment to stop and remember it. :)
Here are some photos. Thank you mom for being such a good Scrap-Booker. :D
One time, we had a paint fight, and it started on the patio, and ended rolling around in the driveway. We both were afraid Dad would be angry. It seems though, he finally learned his lesson. Camera first, anger later. :)
I can ride my bike with no handle bars. No handle bars. No handle bars. |
Sheeesh shoo Crute! |
One time, we went to a party and got these swim tubes. We loved them, and we loved that we each had one. This is a legit picture. We were really asleep with them. |
We had lots of bunnies over the years, this was one of the first we remember. We had Penny and Rose. Penny lived a long time and was a BIG bunny. This picture was in the side yard at the old house. The yard with the least amount of snakes. We played there a lot! |
No fall is the same without Pumpkinland. I don't know what to do with myself when it's not around anymore. It's fun to find different pictures over the years and compare the changes Pumpkinland has gone through. |
Before mentioned sandbox. We have so many memories there. I thank our Mommy for having the guts to bring in a dump truck full of sand and sending her kids out to play day after day. She also taught us to find the good sand to eat. :) |
We went to the mall with Dad one day, and they were taking Spring photos. We were so lucky to dress up like fairies and more than that, we were SO excited to show mommy the pictures. |
We both remembered the pop bottles Mom used to make us. She would cut a slit in the side of an empty pop bottle, stuff it full of goodies and toys, and mail it to us. I don't remember if it was a birthday thing or not. But I want to do one for Hopey one of these days. It was so fun getting mail as a kid. |
Savannah, Holly and I were in a local play put on in Springville. Homesick for Heaven was the name. And we were the angel choir. |
Holly was a good big sis, always beautifying us up for activities. |
Nanna. 2nd grade photo at Brookside Elementary. |
Abby. 4th Grade photo at Brookside Elementary. |
Savannah's baptism day. I think... Also in the photo... Melanie Pugmire. One of our sweet babysitters. |
A dual christmas present. Somehow the shared presents always made the best memories. We remember sleeping in this in the living room that first night. |
Such a cutie. Definitely has had blond moments over the years, but that just means more cherished memories. Even the ones we tease her about. |
Sheesters!! Holly>Faith>Savannah>Hope>Abby |
I love you Nanna!!