I love Grandma and Grandpa so much!
They are a bundle of laughs and both are very unique characters.
In the 8 months I've been with them, Grandma and I have done lots of shopping,
ate out a couple of times, and done lots of projects around the house.
Grantpa is the energizer bunny, he keeps going and going and going
and going and going and going...
We haven't been able to steal him away much more often than mealtimes.
Tonight I put my foot down.
Grantpa love love loves ice cream and has always been curious about my work at Sub Zero.
I got Grandma on my side and we wrangled him into dinner and ice cream.
Grantpa says, "Life is precarious, ice cream for dinner makes sense."
Grandma says, "That's not how it works, I need some food first."
We stopped at G-ma's favorite, Wendy's, for dinner.
Then it was on to Sub Zero.
G-pa and Royal got along quick. And they both said they'd heard great things about one another.
True story, and with good reason.
Grant Holdaway and Royal Petersen are to of the most honorable people I know!
I love and respect them both so much.
G-ma got a yogurt with amaretto and coconut flavor with chocolate chips and coconut flakes.
G-pa ordered a large premium vanilla with chocolate chips and coconut flakes.
My last Ice cream in Utah was a half premium/half, half and half. Maple and cinnamon flavor with cookie dough and coconut flakes.
Looks like we have some coconut love in our blood.
Grandpa was a champ. Finishing his mountain of ice cream before G-ma finished her small yogurt.
I hope I inherit his metabolism.
It was a short lovely trip and I'm grateful I got to spend sometime with the both of them before I leave.
Grandpa loves his ladies. And we love him!!! |